Yoga 10 Things About India That Every Indian Should Be Proud Of! 6 years ago India is the the 7th largest country in the world; And world’s largest, oldest, continuous civilization. It is the fastest… 11 Pleasing Ways To Cool Your Mind And Soul! 7 years ago Your inside as well as outside needs special daily care. The body demands peace and tranquility to function properly. But,… Yoga Poses That Will Help You During Your Periods 7 years ago We all suffer from cramps, tissue tenderness and bloating during our periods making our lives miserable. Practicing yoga is the… Women Proudly Posting Naked Yoga Photos, Shuts Down Trolls With Her Message 7 years ago Kirsty Tavolacci shares photos of her doing elaborate yoga postures while naked on Instagram, where she has more than 30,000… Dolly Singh: Defying The Norms and Shame That All Plus-Size Women Are Facing! 8 years ago In a world where body shaming is a trending topic a woman named Dolly Singh is breaking all the norms… A Beginner’s guide to Yoga: Easy Asanas to Get You Started! 8 years ago Today's lifestyle with pollution at peak and diseases growing, especially which breeds due to lifestyle change are creating a hindrance… Ira Trivedi’s 10-min Yoga for People Always On the Go. 8 years ago To live a healthy life we need to get into a habit of daily exercise routine. But we all are… You Probably Didn’t Know These Things To Do Before And After Yoga For *Better* Effects! 8 years ago On this yoga day get more knowledge about some things related to yoga that you probably did not know! You…