Things 10 Things You Should Avoid Doing In These Countries 2 months ago When you go overseas, do what people living there do; and avoid doing things that are against their customs and… 10 Signs That Prove Your Best Friend Is The Biggest Attention Seeker 7 years ago We all have that one friend who's a crazy attention seeker. That friend would do anything to everything to seek… 15 WTF Things That Actually Exist! 7 years ago Have you ever heard of a poop soap? Sounds disgusting, isn't it? But believe me, it exists. And not only… 10 Immensely Annoying Things About Everyday Life! 7 years ago There are some small but extremely annoying things that happens to everybody. Here are 10 of those annoying things about… Common Things Found in Every Indian Household! 9 years ago India might be a diverse country with 780 languages and with different cultures but down the core every Indian shares…