mystory Mentally disabled Women Was Stripped and Murdered! Brutal! 8 years ago She was humiliated by the mob before suffering a terrible death: a Mentally disabled woman is stripped, shaved and lynched… Tiger taking care of a Pregnant woman’s baby bump! Adorable! 8 years ago A video of a tiger caressing up against a pregnant woman's belly through the glass divide is getting viral and… They Starved her and then made her ate the meat of her 1 year old son! 8 years ago ISIS monsters starved one of their sex slaves for three days before feeding the helpless mother the cooked remains of… He was an Auto Driver and I Fell in Love with Him! It Was Like a dream! 8 years ago It was a harsh Monday morning and I was out, on my way to work. I was as usual on… Why Is Her Virginity Such a Big Hype? Truth That You Can’t Face! 8 years ago Over these years she has faced unethical rituals in the name of culture. She has faced a public display of… A Little Girl thought That This Bride Was A Princess From A Fairy tale and Then This Happened! 8 years ago A toddler on a walk with her mother in Seattle in February mistook a bride for a princess from the… This Sikh Boy Captured the Minds and Hearts of the Americans and American Dreams! India is Proud! 8 years ago Angad Singh Padda recently graduated Summa Cum Laude (Highest Honors) from the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business. He is… Heart Breaking Things Girls Realise After Becoming a Mother! 8 years ago Becoming a mother is not easy and the joy is so real that it actually hurts! Every girl realizes a… You Scarred My Soul and My Mind for the Entire Life: Letter To My Rapist! 8 years ago To the MAN who had my body and raped my soul, I wanted to get dressed like I dreamt… Two Girls Brutally Beating Men Who Were Passing Vulgar Comments! Public Filmed the Entire Incident! 8 years ago In Indore’s Vijay Nagar area, two harassers were thrashed by a girl, who were returning home from a mall at… Next»