
Eyebrow Wig Stick-On: Latest Beauty Trend!

Eyebrow Wig Stick-On: Latest Beauty Trend!Eyebrow Wig Stick-On: Latest Beauty Trend!

Makeup and beauty industry is one of the most revolutionary industry, it is an everyday occurrence now that when you…

10 Makeup Mistakes That Make You Age Faster

10 Makeup Mistakes That Make You Age Faster10 Makeup Mistakes That Make You Age Faster

We all want to look more beautiful, wanna feel more beautiful and for that, we have the makeup to our…

7 Most Bizarre And Weirdest Summer Beauty Trends!

7 Most Bizarre And Weirdest Summer Beauty Trends!7 Most Bizarre And Weirdest Summer Beauty Trends!

You don't imagine things when you are looking at some of the weirdest beauty trends over the internet. It is…

These Illustrations Perfectly Describe Everyday Girl Problems!

These Illustrations Perfectly Describe Everyday Girl Problems!These Illustrations Perfectly Describe Everyday Girl Problems!

Romanian artist Cassandra Calin has made these illustrations that are straight on pint and most of us girls would be…

Latest Beauty Trend:Pom-Poms On Your Face!!

Latest Beauty Trend:Pom-Poms On Your Face!!Latest Beauty Trend:Pom-Poms On Your Face!!

Beauty bloggers bring to you yet another wild beauty trend and guess what it is about?? Sticking pom-poms on your…

Have a Look at Latest Marble Lip Art Trend 2017

Have a Look at Latest Marble Lip Art Trend 2017Have a Look at Latest Marble Lip Art Trend 2017

Nail art, Body Art and now there is lip art... Makeup artists all over the world keep experimenting with makeup…

Beauty Hacks That Any Girl Can Rock!

Beauty Hacks That Any Girl Can Rock!Beauty Hacks That Any Girl Can Rock!

Stop worrying about those flaws because here are some make up tips that will bring out the best in you…

Makeup Routines That Are Bad For Your Skin!

Makeup Routines That Are Bad For Your Skin!Makeup Routines That Are Bad For Your Skin!

We all have some routines and habits that we follow. Some might be good, and some might really harm our…

11 Instagram Accounts to Follow for Wedding Inspiration

11 Instagram Accounts to Follow for Wedding Inspiration11 Instagram Accounts to Follow for Wedding Inspiration

Weddings are the most awaited event of someone's life. So much effort and plannings are put in for weddings and…

Maybelline’s Ad Campaign will be Having A Man For The First Time and It’s Incredible

Maybelline’s Ad Campaign will be Having A Man For The First Time and It’s IncredibleMaybelline’s Ad Campaign will be Having A Man For The First Time and It’s Incredible

We all believe that makeup and cosmetics are just for a woman to use. It is expected from them to…