Lies 16 Lies Every Indian Girl Has Told Her Parents 1 year ago All girls are guilty of lying to their parents at least at some point in their lives. Whether it is… 12 Lies We All Have Told Our Partners 7 years ago We know lying is bad and one should not do it at any cost, but there are a few white… 5 Things In a Relationship That Are Worse Than Cheating 7 years ago Cheating is one of the worst things that a person can do in a relationship. But, there are some more… Telling Lies is Not Always Bad When in A Relationship 7 years ago Always tell the truth- is good enough for moral stories and creating ideals. But to maintain it in each and… Your Childhood Was A Lie If Your Parents Said This To You 8 years ago As a child we all were so curious about things. We had so many questions to ask our parents. They…