humour 10 Ass Cracking Definitions of Swear-Words! 7 months ago DISCLAIMER: All the swear words used here, along with their not-so offensive meanings are directly taken from Urban Dictionary, we… Arranged Marriage Questions – 16 Hilarious Replies By A Girl! 1 year ago 1. Your name is quite unique. What does it mean? First pronounce it correctly. It's Pushpa, not Puspa. 2. What… From Boring Classes to Bunk and Proxies – A Hilarious Take on Education Then Vs Now 7 years ago Only change is constant in this world. Our education system could also not evade this natural process of change. The… 15 Hilarious Comics About *Shaving* That All Women Can Relate To 7 years ago There is a long list of things that we girls hate like periods, shaving, getting eyebrows done. But the thing… Some Really Quirky Ideas That Would Make A Perfect Gift For Your Friend 7 years ago We have the most amazing and crazy memories with our friends. Some memories bring a smile on our lips while… Best Ever Harry Potter Memes That Will Make Your Day! 7 years ago Well we all simply love harry potter! it has been one of our favourite movies growing up and now we… Weirdest Things Girls Do When They are Home-Alone! 7 years ago Girls do so many interesting stuff when they are with their gangs or family or in the workplace. But when… Guys Trying Labor Pain Simulators To Prove That Women Exaggerate Everything 7 years ago Men pretend that it isn't a big deal for women to give birth. They think that women only exaggerate the… The Most Popular Indian Aloo Song Goes Viral! Must-Listen! Must- Sing! 8 years ago It's time to tap your feet to this super funny aloo song. I mean how can someone even think like… Shorts To Your Wedding??? Yes This Bride Did The Unthinkable! 8 years ago The wedding day is the day every bride remembers, right? The wedding pictures in that beautiful lehenga and the proper… Next»