girls 8 Types Of Crushes We’ve All Had! 7 years ago Crushes do crazy things to your heart and stomach (I mean- Butterflies). They can make you drool with just a… Every Girl Needs To Remember These 9 Things For A Great Life 7 years ago You get advice from different people, about different things, on an almost daily basis. Many of them tell you things… 7 Unconventional Lip Colors For A Modern Day Girl! 7 years ago 1) The Prepossessing Purple Applying purple lip color with a tinge of rose to highlight your cheek bones will make… 10 Restrictions We Wish Parents Would Stop Imposing on Girls! 8 years ago Our parents may have come a long way than the parents that used to be a few years back, but… Signs That You Are a Needy Girlfriend: Are You? It Can Make Him Run Away! 8 years ago There is a possibility that you are being too needy without even realizing it. It is very normal but excess… Who is Chopping off Girls’ Hair In The Capital? Mysterious Incidents are Happening! 8 years ago At least 15 incidents of women's hair which were braided, being mysteriously chopped off were reported from the villages of… Weirdest Things Girls Do When They are Home-Alone! 8 years ago Girls do so many interesting stuff when they are with their gangs or family or in the workplace. But when… How are Girls Taught To Be Feminine? An Untold Story! 8 years ago Fairly tales, gender biased toys and feminine clothes, all these define and have defined the meaning of conventional beauty and… Little Things That Can Make A Girl Really Happy: All The Boys, Take a Note! 8 years ago Girls are not as complicated as they say. Every girl enjoys little things in life, one just needs to be… 5 Weird Things Girls Love About All The Boys. Special Edition! 8 years ago I won't say, girls! All human beings have some sort of unpredictability in them. When it comes to impressing a… Next» « Previous