Dating 6 Signs to Know If You are Dating a Keeper or a Player! 8 months ago You might be in so much love with your boyfriend. But, there are chances that you have turned a blind… When I Met My Partner’s Family This Was So Unexpected! 11 months ago Meeting your partner's parents is no easy task. You are nervous about meeting them for the first time but are… 11 Bollywood Celebrities Who Cheated on Their Spouses 1 year ago You may have seen your favorite Bollywood stars act their part as the hero who falls in love with "ONE"… 8 Things Your Man Does Which Shows He is Madly in Love With You 7 years ago Love is not easy and knowing the other person loves you as much as you love them is even more… 8 Annoying Things Guys Do that Women Hate! 7 years ago 1. Making vague plans Guys please stop saying things like, “Yeah we should meet up next weekend.” That’s not actually an… 10 Things that Turn on a Guy 7 years ago When a man’s needs are met, they are automatically inspired to try harder, become better partners and aim for higher… 5 Wacky Stages of Dating That We All Go Through! 7 years ago Yes, we know you aren't getting any action lately; but why brood inside when you can read this article and… 11 Weirdly Entertaining Profile Pictures on Dating Sites That You Must See! 7 years ago 11 Hilarious dating-site profile pictures that would make you question the sanity in human beings. In not so polite words-… Just Had A Breakup? Make Sure To NOT Do These Things! 7 years ago When our emotions are all over the place, we tend to lose the power of reasoning and make wrong decisions.… Wanna Propose Your Boyfriend? Do It This Way! 7 years ago Gone are the days when the women waited for their men to propose them. Just like all other fields, women… Next»