Children Father Lets His Children Play with a 19-foot Python 7 years ago Eric LeBlanc, a father of three young kids, allows his children to play with his 19ft reticulated python and huge… 20 Cartoons 90’s Kids Have Grown Up Watching 7 years ago A substantial part of our childhood was spent in watching cartoons, since there was no internet then. But there is… My Parents Tweeted Everything About it! And then This Went Viral! 8 years ago Now, Being a parent is no doubt God's blessing but with it comes in a lot of responsibilities and a… Cyber Bullying – What You Can’t See can Hurt You More! 8 years ago Remember when parents used to tell their children there is nothing under the bed, no monster can hurt them, remember… Your Childhood Was A Lie If Your Parents Said This To You 8 years ago As a child we all were so curious about things. We had so many questions to ask our parents. They… #ChildAbuse : Here’s Why I Sometimes Feel Like Killing My Parents For What They Do To Me. 9 years ago Everybody says that we should be thankful and have respect for our parents because after all we owe our breaths… The Way People Treat My Brother Adu Explains Perfectly How “Educated” We Are 9 years ago Sitting at 8th Day Cafe Kolkata, I was wondering what to take home for Adu? Would he like the red… There Cannot be a Better Tribute than this Powerful Video to Your Doting Mother! Time to Express Love! 10 years ago Mothers from time immemorial have been loving, sacrificing and protective about their kids.This powerful commercial done by Leo Burnett for… Clever Ad Sending a Strong Message with- Condoms, Dildos & Tampons. 10 years ago Clever Ad Sending a Strong Message with- Condoms, Dildos & Tampons. Watch these innocent kids getting their hands on a… She Wants To Look Like Her Mom But That Will Make You Feel Bad 11 years ago Domestic violence rarely has only one victim. Don't let it get that far. Domestic violence - that one form of… Next»