break up 10 Things People Say While Breaking Up 7 years ago Breaking up is hard to do; You don't know what would be the reaction of the person you are breaking… How Hard Was Your First Break Up? 7 years ago Break ups are always hard, no matter who does it. It hurts and sometimes it hurts so badly that your… 10 Reasons You Should Thank Him For Dumping You! 8 years ago A Break-up can be very hard to deal with, especially if it comes as a sudden, unexpected blow to you.… All We Want is Handling Breakups Like Alia’s Breakup With Jeetu 8 years ago Breakups are hard. Most of the times we don't know how to handle them. It is our friends who come… This Guy’s Pun-Intended Break Up Will Make You Laugh Histariously 8 years ago Break ups are sad and we all have posted ridiculously sad statuses when it has happened in our lives. Many… Mending A Broken Heart Won’t Be That Difficult 9 years ago The heart is the most important part of our body and has one of the strongest muscles in our body.… The Ultimate Break Up Guide 9 years ago Well, break ups are inevitable and once you realise its for the better , you got a greener pasture! ;)… Did You Ever Feel This Way After Break Up?? 9 years ago We all hate break ups but there are times you can not avoid them. Sometimes you do not regret the… Don’t Shed Your Tears For Those Who Bring Them! 9 years ago Is being too caring a wrong thing? From childhood we have been taught that care for those whom we love!…