Annoying 10 Annoying Things All Indian Parents Do 8 months ago Yes they are our parents and we should respect them, but isn't their instances where you can't help but think… 8 Annoying Things Guys Do that Women Hate! 6 years ago 1. Making vague plans Guys please stop saying things like, “Yeah we should meet up next weekend.” That’s not actually an… Why On Earth Guys Do These Annoying Things 7 years ago Every guy has a few habits that we don't like. Everybody has their flaws and we are not saying we… Oh God!! These Annoying Siblings….. 7 years ago If you have a sibling be it a brother or sister only you know what a pain in the ass… 10 Immensely Annoying Things About Everyday Life! 7 years ago There are some small but extremely annoying things that happens to everybody. Here are 10 of those annoying things about… Weird Habits Of People According To Their Zodiac Signs! 8 years ago You see so many people around you behaving in a annoying fashion, they do weird stuff in their own crazy…