Practical classes are called classes for solving tasks in higher mathematics, physics, theoretical
mechanics, descriptive geometry and other subjects, exercises on the construction of circuits,
charts, diagrams, execution of calculation and graphic works on special disciplines, exercises for
reading, for example, listening, speaking the language while studying languages.
Correctly organized practical classes or writing essay have important educational and practical
importance and focus on solving the following tasks:
– deepening, consolidating and specifying the knowledge gained during lectures and in the process
of independent work;
– formation of practical skills necessary for future professional activity;
– development of abilities to observe and explain the studied phenomena;
– development of independence, etc.
A variety of laboratory work in a high school is a laboratory workshop – a system of specially
designed, meaningfully and methodically combined laboratory and practical classes on a large
section, topic or integral training course. During the practice, students are usually offered more
complex and time-consuming work, do any thesis writing which should contribute to the formation
of a specialist in whose arsenal should occupy a leading position in research skills in the relevant
field of practice.
When conducting laboratory and practical classes the number of students cannot exceed half of
the academic group. In artistic and creative specialities, practical classes on professional
disciplines can be conducted with one, two or three students. It is psychologically important for
students to create such conditions for activities in practical classes that would cause them to work
creatively. Therefore, it is important that the training auxiliary personnel, in particular, preparators
and laboratory assistants, have professional and pedagogical training. They must understand
when, how to help the student, and under what circumstances “help” can only cause harm. The
teacher must constantly work on the formation of a responsible attitude from their assistants to the
organization of educational work of students in the laboratory. Not always any writing essay service
will help you to do this work, for example can.
Front and group forms of laboratory and practical classes have their disadvantages and
advantages that should be taken into account.
The advantages of frontal laboratory work can be attributed to:
– direct connection with the material being studied and assimilated simultaneously by all students;
– Implementation of the principles of systematicity and consistency;
– favourable conditions for the teacher: oral instruction before and during the process of its
implementation, the preparation of standard equipment, a fairly easy control of students’
performance of laboratory work and its results.
Discussion of the results of the writing paper carried out in this or next lesson allows them to be
generalized in the process of collective discussion, to identify typical mistakes of students and to
make corrections to them.
At the same time, classes should be organized in such a way that each student (strong, medium,
weak) feels an increase in his level of preparation. Individualizing the tasks of laboratory-practical
works, it should be, while preserving the integrity of the system of theoretical and practical training,
their interrelation, to consider them as a single whole, in which each lesson is a thematically
completed part of the educational process.