Advanced or Dependent: The Boundaries Are Getting Hazy

Advanced or Dependent: The Boundaries Are Getting Hazy

I know it is pretty pointless to ask but do you remember Star Wars? The amazing Sci-Fi movie also took us into a world where humans were mere ‘chemical reactions in brain’ or as to put it simply- just thoughts. Also not to forget, couch potatoes at a later advanced stage! Is it the same advancement that the human race is hoping to reach? Sounds creepy and terrifying! I think a lot many among us would have preferred the world to end this December (Quite disappointed, are we?) than to take a rebirth to sit on a chair and move around just thinking. Somewhere it tends to make me think that we may eventually stop wearing our thinking caps too, maybe because some brilliant ancestor would have fed every thought that can generate about human life into machines. Creativity and thought process which once complimented technological advancement may come to a standstill.

The Smart New Machine, You Say?


Providing comfort is all well and good (Ask me!) but should we be aware that one has to stop at a certain point to stop oneself from reaching its oblivion or the expiry date, you may say. Every day one or other idea is discovered which would supposedly require less of our monitoring in certain activities. Hence less human effort and more output. I am nowhere suggesting that this point in history of time demands us to think and stop any further technological advancement without thinking, to prevent us from being merely a static organism.

But Where?

But if we are ready to take into account this fearful assumption, the consequent query would be determination of the red line. Where are we supposed to stop “innovating”? The amount of comfort and assistance that one can hope to achieve is never to be sated. As of now the collective consciousness of people seems to be the magical tool for predicting and determining further self-depleting actions of human race. Unless of course we design a machine for that!

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Categories: Technology
parul: A Doggie writer-Exploring the world outside, and the one inside.