25 Vegan Foods That Help In Weight Loss

Last Updated:  | By: Technology

Vegan-ism excludes the consumption of meat, eggs, dairy products and other animal derived foods. And this diet also hosts lower cholesterol, renewed vigor and good physique. If you are struggling with your weight or want to tone your body, vegan diet is definitely way to go.

1. Pears

Just one pear comes packed with 15% of the daily recommended fiber.

2. Chia seeds

chia seeds
These seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids. These tiny seeds help suppress appetite by activating glucagon, a fat burning hormone.

3. Oats

Eating a portion of oats as a breakfast is a great way to provide the body with slow releasing carboydrates.

4. Pistachio

It contains heart friendly mono and polyunsaturated fats, which when consumed in combination with fiber rich fruits and vegetables help reduce the risk of heart diseases.

5. Almonds

Almonds are rich in healthy fats which may help you to slim down. Chewing a handful of almonds daily causes a greater release of fat, and it triggers hormones that curb hunger.

6. Beans
Each tiny bean is packed with proteins and fibers while remaining extremely low in calories.

7. Avocado

The monounsaturated fats in avocados plumps up cell membranes, enabling the cells to burn fat and also boosts the metabolism by protecting the cells from free radical damage. It also contains oleic acid which triggers the body to curb hunger.

8. Broccoli

Broccoli is a low calorie food full of fiber which fills you up quickly. The high fiber and water content in broccoli adds volume to the meals without adding empty calories. This vegetable also has anti-cancer properties in it.

9. Brown rice

brown rice
Brown rice is a low density food which means it is quite heavy and filling but is relatively low in calories. It contains a rich supply of vitamin B which aids to burn the calories and also has lots of fiber in it.

10. Lemon

A glass of lemon water on an empty stomach early in the morning will help you shed lots of weight. Lemons are high in pectin fiber which fights hunger cravings. It also helps in the natural cleansing and detoxifying process of the body.

11. Red wine

red wine
Red wine is very low in calories and contains no sugar and fat. Red wine burns calories through a process called thermogenesis. Researchers have found out that women who drink moderate amounts of red wine are less likely to gain weight in their middle age.

12. Grean Tea

green tea
Green tea helps and improves metabolism by 5% in just 24 hours and keeps it high throughout the day.

13. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are on the top of fat-fighting foods. It stabilizes your blood sugar levels and curbs the appetite to keep you satiated for longer periods. It also detoxifies the body by flushing out the toxins from the fat cells.

14. Chilies

One of the best ingredients to boost your metabolism. A single chili pepper contains a full day’s supply of beta carotene and twice the recommended allowance of vitamin C.


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