When I Met My Partner’s Family This Was So Unexpected!

Meeting your partner’s parents is no easy task. You are nervous about meeting them for the first time but are excited for the fact that you and your partner have reached that phase in the relationship where they can make you meet their parents. Most of the times we are scared for the fact that we will be judged by the parents and the extended family as we are dating their lovely family member.

On Whisper people reveal what exactly happened when they met their partner’s parents or extended family.

1. Don’t forget he is your husband’s cousin!

2. There is definitely some fault in their genes!

3. Beware of your cousins, gal!

4. What better way to say they want you as family!

5. You need to talk about this.

6. Awkward silence!

7. This guy has no filter for words!

8. If you marry him, think of the genes your kids will get!

9. Things can’t get better than this!

10. WTF!

Read the complete thread here.

Categories: Relationships
Srishti Gosain: It all starts with a Smile.