Ways To Handle That Other Woman Flirting with your Man

Seeing another woman flirting with your man is annoying. Some women don’t understand that if a guy is already taken, then they should keep their eyes and hands off him. It is very natural to get provoked by such kind of behaviour by a woman towards your man, but before you steam in and put her right, consider other ways to handle this. Getting angry may not solve the problem, in fact in some cases it might increase the problem. So here are some better ways to handle the situation.

1. Think if you really have a reason to be annoyed

Don’t let your jealousy take over. Step back for a moment and look at the situation objectively. Is she really a threat or just harmless banter? If what she’s doing is just healthy flirting, and your boyfriend is trustworthy, then I don’t think you have anything to worry about. In fact, you can ask your boyfriend to politely shoo her away.

2. Check how your man is reacting

If a girl is flirting with your boyfriend, then it’s better to check how your guy is reacting, before saying anything to the girl. If you can see that your boyfriend isn’t interested in her, then you do not need to worry. He isn’t going to respond, so her flirting will anyway be a waste of effort. And if he is responding, then tell him (when your are alone) that you’re not happy about him flirting with another girl and it will be better if he stops it. If your guy tells you the flirting is harmless, then tell him it’s not harmless if it upsets you, and it’s inappropriate for someone who’s in a relationship.

3. Do not drag her away by her hair

No matter how tempted you are to storm over and drag her away by her hair, resist the urge to do it. If you confront her, be calm and tell her politely that her behaviour is inappropriate and she should stop.

4. Make everything clear to her

If a girl is flirting with your boyfriend, there are chances that she doesn’t know about the seriousness of your relationship. Subtly remind her that he’s taken, perhaps by touching his arm or mentioning your upcoming movie plans – basically whatever makes it clear that you’re together. This will show her that she’s flirting with the wrong guy and should move on.

5. F*ck her happiness

Sadly, there are women who love to make a move on other women’s boyfriends. She might be one of them. It’s a game to them, or an attempt to convince themselves that they’re desirable. If you’ve done everything to give her hints as politely as possible, and she still continues to hit on your guy, then girl you have all the right to screw her happiness.

Categories: Relationships
Vertika Khullar: Social Media Enthusiast. Free Spirit. Chicken Junkie. True Sagittarius.