Waiting For The Right Man To Come? Do These Things Instead!

Wasting your time in waiting for the right man to come in your life is of no use. Imagine having waited for 5 years and looking back at those wonderful times that you lost, you would think that going to that trip with your college friends would have made a better choice! Right? There is so much stuff to do and you have just got one lifetime, so instead of being a bore and sitting at home waiting for your man, do these things, and your man will come right in front of you when you least expect it!

1. Travel

Explore the world, get out and get moving, you never know, maybe your Mr. Right is waiting for you on the way!


2. Explore yourself

Get to know yourself, invest time in yourself. Go for painting, dancing and whatever you feel like and find your call. Do what makes you happy, make goals for yourself and maybe you will find your man in your art classes or those guitar lessons!


3. Make time for family and friends

Spend as much time with your family and friends, appreciate them being in your life. Enjoy your time with them because they really care about you and you never know, maybe your aunt’s sister-in-law’s son whom she brought with her in one of those family gatherings is your right man!


4. Volunteer

There are some really good NGOs, go join them, you will love the feeling that you get when you have helped someone! And maybe, just maybe your Mr. Right is volunteering there too!


5. Break a sweat

Join gym or yoga or some dance classes and get fit, not for a boyfriend or someone, but for yourself. You will feel good about your body when you see yourself being able to wear that off shoulder bodycon dress that you were eyeing for so long! Your Mr. Right might meet you there in the gym!


6. Meet people to have fun

Whenever you go to some gathering, do not go with the intention to find your love, go with the intention to have fun. You might come out as desperate if you ask all the handsome males if they are single and you do not want that! While if you just have fun and be yourself, then maybe your man would find you approachable!


So, be patient, have fun in your life, whatever happens, happens for good and if your Mr. Right has not cropped up yet, then it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t exist, let him take his sweet time while you enjoy your life!

Categories: Relationships
Shreya Agarwal: A reader, a dreamer and a believer...