To Have Sex For The First Time, This Couple Is Losing Weight

To Have Sex For The First Time, This Couple Is Losing Weight

They were married in 2010 but have not consummated their union yet. This Chinese couple Lin Yue and Deng Yang is such a couple who are not able to have sex.


This couple together weigh more than 400 kg and are unable to make love due to their weight. Lin is 163 cm tall and his waist measures 160 cm around and Deng is a bit shorter at 160 cm tall and her waist measures 170 cm.


Lin and Deng have decided to undergo gastric bypass surgeries which is a surgery for weight loss. They have taken this decision not just to have sex but to start a family and have kids. Doctors have told them to work for their fitness before the surgery.


They have decided this after China’s heaviest person, a woman Qian Qian, announced she will undergo such procedure. They see this surgery as their chance to experience parenthood.

We wish them a safe surgery and want them to have a great married life and happy and healthy children.

Categories: Relationships
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