Things You Never Knew About Kissing!

Kissing is probably the most beautiful way to express your love for someone. But there is so much more about kissing that I’m sure you had no clue about.
One more thing, ladies, don’t kiss your husbands on Sunday, you may end up in jail lol

1. It’s good for you

Kissing is actually healthy for you. It improves our skin, helps circulation, prevents tooth decay, and can even relieve headaches.

2. Also a good workout

kissing workoutkissing workout
While a quick peck on the cheek uses only 2 muscles, a good french kiss is said to use 34 muscles in your face whic is almost all of your facial muscles. A very short kiss will burn a couple calories, while a passionate french kiss can take care of 5 calories. Do this for one entire minute, and you’ll burn about 26 calories!

3. It’s an addiction

The endorphins you release when kissing are said to be 200 times more powerful than the drug effects of morphine!Hell! No kidding!!!!

4. Exchange of germs

exchange of germsexchange of germs
Did you know that one kiss can pass 278 types of bacteria? A long enough kiss could leave you with a transmission of 10 million bacterium! That’s really kinda gross!

5. Kissing is illegal at some places

Back in the 16th century, public kissing in Naples was punished by death! Kissing strangers is forbidden in Ceder Rapids, Iowa, and in Hartford Connecticut women can’t kiss their husbands on a Sunday! Mustached men in Indiana may find it hard to “play the field” as it is illegal for men sporting mustaches to “habitually kiss human beings. Dude, are you really kidding me now!

6. Philemaphobia

This is a term for the fear of kissing. Philemaphobia varies in severity from those who have a mild fear of kissing due to inexperience or those who have a severe fear due to a fear of germs. Interesting! right?

7. Good for teeth

Kissing produce an increase of saliva in your mouth which helps wash away bacteria from your teeth, break down plaque and even prevent cavities.

8. Keeps us beautiful

Kissing can help keep our facial muscles smooth and tight and even help prevent cheeks from sagging. If you want to keep that youthful glow you’ve got going, shower your love with kisses!

9. This concept was started from RATS!!!!

A team of researchers at the University of Tokyo believe that human’s desire to kiss decends from an ancient rat called Eomaia scansoria. This critter would rub noses with a mate to signal sexual desire—an ancient, rodent kiss!

10. The longest kiss

The longest kiss on record lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds between Ekkachai Tiranarat and Laksana Tiranarat in Thailand! Their determination was awarded with two diamond rings!

Categories: Relationships
Sukhmani Nayer: A girl who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.