The Later You Involve In A Relationship The Better It Is For You!

Well being single can be miserable sometimes, but how about we see the silver lining of being alone- we don’t have answer anyone for our actions, we don’t have compromise our scenes with our girlfriends, we save lots of money to get a gift for our own self, and we will learn to be ourselves better than ever. Here are some such things that will make you realize that it is better to get into one a bit later.

1. You’re not ready

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It’s absolutely fine to not be ready for a relationship. This is a sign that you do not feel the need to have a guy in your life just for the heck of it. And you don’t need validation from the society and peers you’re hanging around with.

2. Not found the right person yet

This means you value yourself to be with anyone, and need the best of the best and just don’t want a boy just to show off. You have a check list in your mind and you are just nor ready to compromise. Relationship is a lot more than any petty issue for you.

3. Self worth

You aren’t dependent on anyone for anything. You are your own boss. You make and break your own rules. And whenever you do get into one you know you don’t to rely on anyone for any damn thing.

4. The”Me Time”

The best part about being single is is that you get to know yourself very well. And you figure out what you want in life and what you don’t.

5. Emotional stability

It is very important to be emotionally stable before you step into any kind of relation with an opposite sex. And in a initial and naive years we’re are comparatively weak and innocent. So the more late in your life you get into relationship, the better control will have on your emotions.

Categories: Relationships
Sukhmani Nayer: A girl who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.