Signs You’re In For A Break-up

Signs You’re In For A Break-up

Not every relationship has to end in a marriage. Some relationships work and turn into fairy tales, some are just better to be broken.

The thing about relationships is that you can never be sure it’s actually time to break apart. Here are 5 signs you are better off without a relationship.

Fights outnumber the good times

When you fight instead of talking, or bickering instead of kissing, that’s a sign your relaitonship has some holes in it. Relationships are supposed to be happy places where we go to to give and get love and intimacy. If it can’t give you that, it’s not worth your time and emotions.

You or him has already started flirting with other people
You are actually imagining a single life when you can flirt and be shamelessly flirted with by other people. This is a sign you run out of those nurturing feelings, or have already fallen out of love.

Time to move out and move on with your life

 Communication is no longer intimate, deep and meaningful

There’s no communication about your dreams, your shared life, all you get to talk about is your problems, your complaints, your bad experiences at work. Where’s the fun, the deep talks and the soul-bearing confessions?

You don’t miss each other, you get to be angry near one another

You caught yourself having a hell of a time when you are out with friends or colleagues. When you are with your significant other you get upset. That’s doesn’t seem right in a loving relationship. One is already heading for someplace else.

Negative feelings have been perching up and are now manifested through strange, aggressive behavior

When people ignore or bottle up their feelings, these suppressed emotions finally explode into aggressive and uncalled for behavior. Most importantly they eat away any noble emotion of love and affection.

Before taking a big step towards breaking up, its wise to first discuss it with your lover. You might even change your mind and give your relationship another try.

Categories: Relationships
Mamta Verma: passionate writer