When on a date or getting to know a person, it is very important to know that how well are you both compatible, how much does your mental level match and if this guy is really the one for you. Here are some questions that we have sort for you which will not only help you know the guy better but also help them break their walls down!
1. What is that one thing you will never do again?
2. When was the last time you cried and why?
3. What is that one thing you parents will be shocked to learn about you?
4. Your worst habit?
5. What that one thing that you just cannot stand?
6. Who knows you the best inside and out?
7. The last book you really loved?
8. If you could go back in time, what is one piece of advice you would give your younger self?
9. What is that one thing that you want to experience before you die?
10. Unlimited love or money?
11. What is the first thing that you’d do with the money you won at the lottery?
12. Your worst age so far and why?
13. One weird thing you find attractive in people?
14. Do you believe in karma?
15. One thing that you’re superstitious about?
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