People Share What They Call Their SO and the Story Behind It

Love is one strange feeling. If you are in love nothing feels better than that but if you are not every emotion in a romantic relationship feels exaggerated to you. When you are in love you like to shower your SO with all kind gestures, from giving them cute nicknames to trying to keep that smile always there.

A few people shared on Whisper what their SO calls them and how they got that name.

1. Their favorite fruit is peach.


2. We think she likes his hammer too.


3. Burrito time.


4. Pinball must be his fav game now! 😉

5. Awww-dorable!!

6. Cuddling with Panda! 😀

7. His personal Aligator

8. That is intelligent.

9. Pokemon was never so much fun!

10. All he does is his Geometry homework.

You can read the complete thread here.

Categories: Relationships
Srishti Gosain: It all starts with a Smile.