‘The Fault In Our Stars’ is such a book we all have read while shedding tears. Then we watched the movie and cried even harder. Katie and Dalton Prager is one such couple who faced TFIOS story in their real life. What makes us cry now is that Dalton is no more in this world and before leaving this world he could not even meet his wife Katie.
Dalton and Katie Prager were advised by doctors not to meet or marry as they both were born with cystic fibrosis, a genetic disorder that causes persistent lung infections and other complications. According to doctors those with cystic fibrosis should avoid contact with other patients to prevent diseases and bacteria from passing back and forth. But destiny had other plans for this couple. They met online when they were 18, fell in love with each other immediately and married each other two years after that.
Katie could not spend a few moments with her husband before he left this world as she was too sick. They spent their final moments together over Facetime.
The couple held out hope for a last kiss but it could not turn into reality. Their condition prevented them to see each other in person. The young lovers last saw each other July 16 — their fifth anniversary.