Long Distance Relationships Are Hard And These Illustrations Depict It All

Love knows no boundaries and distances but when distance comes in love things get difficult to handle. There are so many obstacles that come in a long distance relationship, things over which you have no control. But still people in relationships fight those for the bond of love that they share.

Viola, a blogger from Chengdu, in Sichuan, China and who has been calling Toronto her home for many years has documented her various experiences. She has showed the struggles of living in different time zones and the struggle is real.

Contantly missing your loved one.

long distancelong distance

Birthdays and holidays are especially hard.

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Dealing with crazy time zone differences.


Poor internet connection drives you insane on the regular.

But you know it’s worth it, because talking to them makes your day.

Sometimes, random things trigger up memories of them that make you smile (or cry…).

Flying out to see each other is not always easy.

But when you manage to put together a plan, it’s the most exciting thing in the world!

Counting down the days becomes your favourite activity and gives you a daily jolt of happiness.

When you finally see that specially someone, no words can describe your joy!

Having been apart makes you appreciate every moment you have together.

Everything is so comfortable that sometimes it feels like you were never apart.

The night before they have to leave again is the toughest…

But it’s ok because you know that distance means so little when someone means so much.

Until you see each other again soon!

Categories: Relationships
Srishti Gosain: It all starts with a Smile.