Is Your Anger Costing You Your Relationship? Do This Then!

Is your relationship in the danger zone just because you cannot keep your anger in check? Don’t panic, It happens, when you love someone so much and things seem to be falling apart or not going that perfect way you wanted them to go, then these issues are bound to crop up. But what you need to understand is that it is not just you in the relationship, it is you and your partner, two different people, so there are bound to be two different ‘perfect’ scenarios.

Here are a few things that you can do when anger is starting to get the better of you and you want to do things right:

1. Think: Is it worth the anger? Is the situation really that bad that you need to be angry over it or it can be dealt with calmly?


2. If he is just too angry over something and going on and on about how wrong you are, just kiss him. Kiss him hard and long! It works all the time!


3. Rise above your differences! Like I said, two different people are bound to have two different ‘perfect’ scenarios in their head, you need to understand each other and accept each other’s differences. Compromise here and there and problem solved!


4. If you have some serious anger issues, try meditation or better yet, try meditating together. It will definitely help you control the anger.


5. Say sorry, if it helps in controlling the situation from getting worse. When the things become a bit cool, then discuss the issue calmly, ignoring won’t solve the issue and anger may worsen it! So dive into the sea when the water is calm!


6. Yelling is not an option, listen to what the other person has to say before you go all mad and start yelling!


7. If you know you are about to lose it, then move out of the room and shout to your heart’s content, take all the anger out by shouting and then come back inside and talk!


8. You can’t be right all the time! Sometimes you will have to accept your mistake and face his anger too! You better handle that calmly.


9. You need to accept the fact that no one is perfect, everyone will make mistakes so when he makes a mistake, you forgive and not fight because you would expect the same when the situation is the reverse!


10. And finally, the makeup sex is great, all the anger, the passion and the love along with forgiveness makes it hot and full of love. Because in the end, you are in this together!


Categories: Relationships
Shreya Agarwal: A reader, a dreamer and a believer...