Here are the Reasons Why You Fell for a Bad Guy!

Blue jersey, Hazel eyes, and that quirky smile. Sounds like the guy you fell for last summer? Everytime you think of him you realize how hard it is to get over him. From the freckles on his face and scars of sportsmen spirit on his brows, was magic. Did I mention that shy gaze of eyes? He was a bad guy, you know and ill tell you the top reasons why you fell for him.

1) The constant chase


Bad boys have a magic personality but they know how to keep the chase going. It is a constant roller coaster of emotions and mixed feelings. You feel that you have him but within a blink of an eye, he’s gone and before you are upset your phone rings and there you go, his CALL!

2) That mysterious personality


Yes! They have a reserved nature which makes you think and wonder about their whereabouts. Bad boys don’t even look at you while talking, they have this mysterious shy gaze. Then everything gets tangled with all the wrong information, secrets and what not? quite a work!

3) Fangirls


They are surrounded by fangirls. If he’s a sportsman, girls are crushing on him all the time during the game or post game and the constant praises that you hear. It becomes even hard to resist getting attracted.

4) Tempting Texting

Remember the phone call that night how happy it made you but after that no text for weeks. That’s how their tempting texting rule works. These guys have such a bad habit of keeping you on your toes all the time.

5) Bad, With a heart

Last but not the least no matter what, the best quality of a bad guy is their extremely loving heart. They are kind hearted which only adds to their super tempting personality. They will never hurt you deliberately that’s what makes them the most eligible bachelors.


If you can relate to any of the points above do comment and let me know your best yet the most confusing experience of falling in love.

Categories: Relationships
Shilpi Singh Bisht: English graduate, Delhi University. Shy at first but confident forever. Creative, restless, twisted not perfect, and a little musical on life.