Durjoy Datta Proposes Girlfriend In The Cutest Way Possible

No matter for how long you have dated, one needs to propose the girl before getting married, officially. We all dream of an out of the world proposal. A gesture of love from the one we love. Sometimes we want it to be a little dramatic, like those in books and movies.

But sometimes we wonder how India’s best selling romantic authors would have proposed to love of their life. Durjoy Datta, favourite author of most of us, live tweeted marriage proposal to his girlfriend of four years, Avantika Mohan.

Check out how it all started.

Durjoy gave Avantika all the reasons for loving her and marrying her. She said yes and they are getting married next week. Who says these things just happen in books.

He has given us some of the most romantic novels and now the most adorable proposal. He is getting married but that does not mean we love him any less. Congratulations and all the best wishes to you two.
Categories: Relationships
Srishti Gosain: It all starts with a Smile.