Durjoy Datta Proposes Girlfriend In The Cutest Way Possible

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No matter for how long you have dated, one needs to propose the girl before getting married, officially. We all dream of an out of the world proposal. A gesture of love from the one we love. Sometimes we want it to be a little dramatic, like those in books and movies.

But sometimes we wonder how India’s best selling romantic authors would have proposed to love of their life. Durjoy Datta, favourite author of most of us, live tweeted marriage proposal to his girlfriend of four years, Avantika Mohan.

Check out how it all started.

Here’s a totally natural picture of Avantika and I. It’s not posed for at all. Okay. Attention please. This might be a little stupid but I got to try it. As lame as it may sound I haven’t really officially “asked” her ( @avantii2) to marry me. Though she has kind of said yes and we are getting married. She alleges I’m too busy with my books, my readers, Instagram, Twitter or Facebook to formally propose her. Though that’s true, a part of the reason is also my overwhelming shyness to do something grand. So I’m doing what I do best. Hiding behind my phone and asking my readers for help! Okay, I know a lot of you will tell me I’m breaking your heart but seriously you girls can do better. Avantika has to put with the real me, not the one in the books. And that can be quite something. I'm not the best boyfriend or the best fiancé. Far from it. But she is. I think she's gorgeous but thats the least attractive thing about her. She's kind and compassionate and understanding and is the only person I know who can love so deeply and so widely. She's unreal. She's nice to a fault. And I'm the luckiest guy to have her for a lifetime. She deserves much better. But let's not tell her that? And since I'm not leaving her anytime soon she will have to do with me. I might not be much but i do have readers who sort of like me? Do you? That's all I have. So I'm asking you guys. I'm counting on you. Ask her to marry me? This is the only time I wouldn't mind you spamming her. Ask her over and over again? This is the last chapter of Deb, who lets be honest is me, and Avantika. Help me get my happy ending? P. S. – She's on a flight right now and has no idea this is going down. So help me bring the brightest smile ever on her face when she lands and finds me with a placard that says The Love Of My Life? That will be the most amazing thing ever. I love you guys. Just a little less than I love her. But yes, still love. ?

A photo posted by Durjoy Datta (@durjoydatta) on

Durjoy gave Avantika all the reasons for loving her and marrying her. She said yes and they are getting married next week. Who says these things just happen in books.

He has given us some of the most romantic novels and now the most adorable proposal. He is getting married but that does not mean we love him any less. Congratulations and all the best wishes to you two.

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