Dear Future Husband- My Letter To You On Father’s Day!

Father is the first love of every daughter. He is her superman and she needs him in her life no matter how old she gets. He is the one who teaches her how to walk and how to ride a bike, and he is the one whom she needs the most to climb up all the mountains in her life.

I might have met you already or I might meet you in future… Some day we will have kids and you will be the father of my little girl. So there are a few things that I want to ask of you:

Be her biggest fan.

Every time she does something worth appreciating, make her feel like it is the best day of her life and every time she falls, pick her up and appreciate her effort, take her out for her favourite ice cream. She may not thank you all the time for being there for her but in her heart she will adore you for it. Go to all her school programs and be the loudest one to cheer her from the crowd. She may not be the next M.F.Hussain but when she draws family pictures with her little hands and gifts them to you, hang them on the refrigerator to show her that you love them. Encourage her to be anything she wants, if it’s a doctor, bring her doctor set, if it’s a chef, bring her kitchen set, if it’s a fashionista, bring her barbie set.

Be her best friend in the whole wide world.

There will be many time when I will be hard on her and she will need your help to break through me, like when she wants to go for shopping and need extra cash. Be there for her when she will want to share something, share your opinion with her.

Be her guiding light.

Support her in all her decisions and guide her when she struggles. Help her take decisions for her College, If she wants to move to a different state and I am being emotional, convince me that she will be fine and help her achieve her dreams. Teach her how to decide what is wrong and what is right. Don’t force your choices on her but during the toughest times of her life, be their with her in all her decisions.

Be that dotting father

… that she will want you to be. Take her to just father-daughter outings, go for ice cream, bring her chocolates, spoil her with everything she wants *cuz I am gonna be strict*. Just don’t embarrass her in front of cute guys. Read her bedtime stories and be the Prince Charming to her Cinderella stories. When she gets old enough listen to her rant about her crushes. Don’t worry she will choose a right guy because you would have set her standards really high.

Be proud of her.

She will do many mistakes in her life and we will sometimes be disappointed in her. Show her that it is not the end of the world, that what we are today is because of our mistakes, and every mistake is a lesson. Support her when she is down because you will be the one whom she will look up to. Believe in her and let her know that she can achieve all what she dreams, even more when she loses hope in herself!

Teach her how to be independent.

She will never feel confident enough in the world outside if she doesn’t know things. Make her strong enough to be independent, teach her how to drive, how to change tires, how to handle guys and most of all how to believe in herself because some day or the other she is gonna spread her wings and fly and when she does that she will thank you for all this!
And the last thing which is most important, give her enough reasons to be thankful to you for being a great father not only on Father’s day but every day of her life. That will be the best feeling in the world for you.
P.S. All this I ask of you because My Father has done all of it for me and is still doing even more, so even my standards are pretty high. You have a lot to catch up!

Categories: Relationships
Shreya Agarwal: A reader, a dreamer and a believer...