First Date Jitters? Check Out These Cool Ideas For Having An Awesome Time!

Going out on a first date with that special someone? Make it a memorable one by choosing the best place suitable for you both, where the both of you can ease in and just relax, because dates are all about getting to know one another.

1. Amusement Park

The perfect first date is a night at an amusement park: plenty of time to talk and have fun! Plus, it’s a great opportunity to hold your crush’s hand on scary rides.


2. Zoo

A day trip to somewhere like the aquarium or zoo is a perfect date. There will always be something to talk about!


3. Hike

Go Hiking, then stop for a little picnic. The date is fun, romantic and way to do something active together.


4. Movies

Watch a funny movie together, that way you’ll laugh throughout and have inside jokes and it’s a good way to break the ice and take the pressure off.


5. Ice Skating

Hit up an outdoor skating rink for some ice skating. If you can’t skate that well, no worries—it’s a great excuse to hold his hand! End the day with a trip to a coffee shop for some hot chocolate to warm up.

6. Shall we dine?

Give twist to your typical dinner date by having a progressive dinner! Where you enjoy your appetizers,entree and dessert and three different places.

7. Play Tourist

Pick a landmark in your city that neither of you have been to and spend the day exploring it.

8. Ride around

When the weather’s fine, try taking bike outside of your place and enjoy a meal in the next town over.

9. Bowling

Showing off a bit of competition on your first date can be hot too. Take him out for bowling and match it out in the arena.

10. Watch the sunset.

Or sunrise, if you’re feeling super ambitious. A beautiful setting makes everything more enjoyable, and it’s the perfect time (and place) to bring along your favorite snacks and drink of choice.

Categories: Relationships
Kritika Raj: Future economist with a touch of humour.