9 Things You Should Never Say to a Person Who is Going Through a Break-up

Watching your best friend or the person about whom you care a lot, going through a bad breakup. Their pain feels like your own and you try to do everything to make them feel comfortable and help them go through it. You bring them their favorite ice cream, watch movies with them, let them cry on your shoulder and what not! But sometimes, your words do more damage than repair and you unintentionally end up hurting that person even more.

Here are a few things that you must NEVER say to a person going through a bad breakup:

1. “I always had a very bad feeling about him, he gave me weird vibes.” So why did you keep mum till now?


2. “Forget him, I know this really cute guy and you should totally meet him!” Let your friend mourn the end of a relationship before making her jump into another, she needs time!


3. “Enjoy being single now, it is much better than being with someone.” You are probably applying salt to her wounds!


4. ” Don’t you worry, he will realise his mistake and come back begging for your forgiveness!” You are giving her hopes that she will harbour and nourish and when he doesn’t come back, she will be broken more than ever!


5. “You need to stop crying over it, that’s a waste of time!” Sometimes, people need a shoulder to cry on and let it all out.


6. “You are far better than him.” If she is better then why did he break up even? Now explain that to her!


7. “Someone better is waiting for you.” This is probably true but this is not the right way to distract her, you need to take her shopping, spa, etc.


8. “It’s his loss actually” But he meant something to her too, so even if it is actually his loss, she also lost someone she loved, so let her be.


9. “Make him jealous by going out with one of his friends” Well, this is just going to be a big drama and end up in disaster!


Categories: Relationships
Shreya Agarwal: A reader, a dreamer and a believer...