8 Super Annoying Things that every Married Couple Should Stop Doing!

1. Taking Selfies Together 24/7

So, you go to an exotic vacation on your honeymoon and what do you do?
You take selfies and post them “ALL” on Facebook. Notice the emphasis on all!
Here’s a hint-> we would like to see pictures of that exotic place you have been to, not 100 pictures with you and your spouse holding hands.


2. Trying to be Too Nice to Each Other

We don’t have any problem with you loving your husband/wife- but trying to be annoyingly nice to each other at a public place by saying the cheesiest thing possible is not something we want to hear when we go out.


3. Communicating on Facebook

Writing posts like—“I’m missing my jaan” and tagging your husband/ wife on the post is the definition of crazy.


4. Doing Every Single Thing Together

We get it- you are on cloud 9 and why shouldn’t you be- you are getting laid. But, please just please try to have some individuality while it still exists in your relationship.


5. Only Hanging out with Married Couples

There should be racism card that could be played at times like this.
Why, just why would you only consider handing out with other married couples, wouldn’t you want to know what you are missing out on from your clearly happier single friends?

single friends

6. Posting pictures of every Meal you Make

We get it, you can cook and so can your spouses; but posting pictures on Facebook after every hour might really not be necessary. Imagine that there are people staying in hostels eating Maggie for all 3 meals.

young and hungry


7. Having Selfies as Screen-Saver on Phone

Just how many times do you need to see your husband in a day. Staring won’t make him love you more; incase you thought otherwise.

selfie shaming

8. Always Advising other People to get Married

We know you people are happy- but we are happier being single. Leave us alone.

Their motto must be- Today’s a perfect day to belittle our single friends!


All the gifs are taken from- Giphy.com

Categories: Relationships
Sagarika Ghosh: An Engineer, who fell in love with Digital- Media at first sight!