5 Things You Can do to Make a Sick Family Member Feel Better!

5 Things You Can do to Make a Sick Family Member Feel Better!

It’s daunting too see a loved one fall sick and suffer from emotional and physical pain. Families go through thick and thin together in times of hardships and the same is required when a family member is suffering.

Sometimes, medicines alone aren’t enough for someone to recover and they need much more than that. Here’s where family member come into play. They can provide the sick with love and care and help them recover quickly.

There are many things that you can do to make a sick person happy, and help them by easing their pain. Let’s assume someone suffers from venous leg ulcer. Such a person needs your attention. You should spend some time with them, ask them how they’re feeling etc., so they stay positive and happy even when they are sick.


Here are 5 things you can do to make a sick family member feel better:


1.  Arrange An Outing

It can be frustrating for a sick person to stay at home all day without having much to do than lie in bed and watch TV. As a family member, it’s your duty to make them feel better. You can arrange for a picnic but with precautions. Outings can help freshen up their mind and bring a smile on their face.

Make sure that there’s no risk involved when you take them with you. Take them to a place that is safe and will not affect their health. For example, the beach may not be a suitable option for someone who has fever.

If the person is weak and can’t walk properly, arrange for a wheelchair so as to ease the person.

Prepare good food for them but as per the doctor’s instructions so that you don’t worsen their condition.

Frequent outings can make your family member happy and also gives them the will do recover faster.

2.  Take Special Care Of Them

Doing small things for a sick person can do wonders and make them feel really good. Tend to their problems. If it’s cold then make sure they always have a blanket by their side. Keep giving them constant company when you’re free so that they don’t feel alone and get depressed.

Look after their hygiene. If they are really sick and can’t get out of bed then clean them up after every meal because cleanliness is highly critical for a sick person to recover faster.

3. Take Parts in Activities Together

People need people. We are social creatures and need interaction. You must keep this in mind and give some time to the sick.

For example, for how long can a person watch TV? Even if they do, they would need to discuss their shows with others, so make sure to take some time and sit with them.

You two can play games as well or just discuss about life in general. Try not to discuss about their illness a lot and talk about more positive things.

4. Listen To Them

Life is busy and we seldom give importance to relations nowadays. However, in case a family member falls sick then it is our duty to not only spend time with them but also try to make them feel better.

To do so, simply listening to what they’ve to say can do wonders. This is exactly the time when they need a pair of ears to listen to them.

5. Read To Them

Reading is something that can help relax a person, however, when in sickness, it can be a bit difficult to read anything. Here, you can be a helping hand or eyes and lips in this case and help your sick family member feel better.

The Verdict

These 5 things can do a lot to make a sick family member feel better.

Categories: Relationships
Chaineet Kaur: A bookworm with a philosophical bent of mind.