Cheating is one of the worst things that a person can do in a relationship. But, there are some more worst relationship breakers that can destroy both of you. Watch out for these signs to avoid heartbreak:
1. Lies
Lies he’s telling might not seem like much. You won’t even notice the small lies he tells like he told you that he is going to be late at work but he was actually at a friend’s watching the match instead. The small lies you probably ignore all the time but you need to draw a line between innocent lies and dangerous untruths.
2. Convenience
Sometimes it’s only you who invests in the relationship. However, if you notice that he isn’t as invested or is not putting in the same effort, you don’t really need him in your lie.
3. Jealousy
If you notice that he is not able to trust you and you need your space, then maybe you are in the wrong relationship. Excessive jealousy can fast turn into a horrible relationship breaker.
4. Fake
We all present ourselves better during the first few dates, but eventually, if the mask doesn’t fall off, chances are he is hiding something from you or he doesn’t trust you enough to be himself.
5. Quiet resentment
Communication is the key to a good relationship. You let everything out and never hold things inside.If your partner is holding a grudge, its best to sit him or her down and talk it out.