5 Reasons Why You Should Have At Least One Punjabi Friend!

Do you have a Punjabi friend? Punjabis have a loud nature and outgoing personality; they are always positive and optimistic. Therefore, they make friends easily and make everyone smile instantly. If you have punjabi friend, then make them read this post; and if you don’t, then go and find one! These are the reasons why everyone should have at least one punju friend.

1. They’re too moo-phat and tough.

No one will mess with you because they’ve got your back.

2. They are the best drinking partners

Drinking with punjabis is always fun. They’ll drink patiala pegs and then dance uncontrollably. Because- punjabiya di battery charge rehndi hai!

3. They are hilarious

Punjabis are funny as F! They will always make you laugh, so you would never have a bad time when you guys hang out.

4. Yummy home-cooked food

Punjabi mothers forces you to eat food, but isn’t that awesome? They cook the best food anyway; from butter chicken to gajar ka halwa, whenever you feel like having the best home cooked food..pay a visit to the house of your punjabi friend.

5. Punjabi music

They have the latest collection of punjabi music, and they are always listening to some amazing songs. So you get to hear the songs you’ve never heard before and have a gala time grooving to them!

Categories: Relationships
Vertika Khullar: Social Media Enthusiast. Free Spirit. Chicken Junkie. True Sagittarius.