10 Reasons You Should Thank Him For Dumping You!

A Break-up can be very hard to deal with, especially if it comes as a sudden, unexpected blow to you. Even if it is the case that you were expecting it to happen, a break-up can be very heartbreaking and distressing. It becomes even more agonizing if was your partner who called it quits on the relationship, while you were not ready for it.
If you are still finding it hard to let go and move on in life and not able to accept that it is now all in the past, here’s a fresher and relieving view to your break-up and life that’ll make you feel better about yourself and your relationship split.
We give you reasons to thank him for leaving you and moving on!

1. Freedom and You!

People tend to forget themselves and their dreams and desires when they are in a relationship. Your relationship and your partner become your life’s focus and your own wishes and desires take a back seat. Now that you are free from the shackles of your relationship, it’s time to think about yourself. Take a trip for yourself and fulfill your dreams and wishes. Pamper yourself!

2. Time for Family and Friends

Almost everyone would agree to the fact that our family and friends often get ignored because of our over-indulgence in our relationship. Well, it’s now time to make it up for all the neglect and laxity you’ve shown to them. Spend as much time as possible with them and strengthen the other valuable relationships you have in your life.

3. Time for a new you!

The only mistake you make is the one from which we don’t learn anything. Learn from the mistakes you have made in your relationship with your ex because this will help in your own growth as a person. That’ll help not only in your future relationship but also the other cherished, valuable relationships you have in your life- your family and your friends.

4. A new start to life

Your relationship with that person may have ended, but remember every exit is a door to a new entrance. Learn how to re-prioritize things in life after evaluating where you stand in life. Check where you’ve been going wrong and correct your course and direction of movement in life after introspection.

5. Re-discover yourself.

You finally have time for yourself. Remember, you’re your best company. Re-connect with your inner-self, rediscover your hobbies and take on things which make you happy. Relationships work on compromise and unless you agreed on every major decision with your significant other, chances are that you probably missed something good for the sake of your love.

6. At least you know you are not with the wrong person

If it was meant to be, then you both would have made it work. If he dumped you then at least you know you are not wasting some of the better years of your life with the wrong person. While you might have felt that your love was ideal, it is still better to break-up then feel the sting of unreciprocated love every day.

7. Better understanding of the type of partner you want

Your stint with that person may have come to an end, but you now know what kind of person you want to be with in future. You have a better understanding of people and better ability to judge who is right for you and who is not.

8. You can make career your focus

So now you don’t have to keep a check on the whereabouts of a person or religiously reply to their texts on time or fight on petty issues. You are all by yourself and all for yourself now. You can shift the focus of your life from that person to your career.

9. No more pointless arguments and fights

There is going to be no more “Why did you go there”, “Why are you wearing this”, “Why didn’t you answer my call” fussing in your life. You are a free bird who can live life according to her own will.

10. No frowning on your talking to your guy friends

You can talk to all your male buddies and hang out with them, with no one sulking on it. You no longer have a boyfriend to tell you who to speak with and whom not to speak with.

Categories: Relationships
Ishmeet Kaur: A future economist.