This is Aranya Johar’s Guide to Gender performed on 6th March 2017 at Tuning Fork. The way she delivered her poem with a guitar playing in the background, her voice soft yet firm. She said exactly the way she felt it. the words of the poem were well balanced and striking. It moved every man and woman sitting there, listening in trans! The video was titled
“A Brown Girls Guide”
which spread out a very strong message in itself!
A country which is still not free of the gender biases and prejudices needs to listen to this and feel it, understand it. I am sure this recitation of a very beautiful and strong poem will pierce through your heart and soul. And when it will pierce inside, ask yourself,
“why do balls equate to toughness and pussy equate to weakness, even when the slightest flick to the nuts sends a guy to his knees while vagina can push out an entire human being?”