India should calm down on a lot of matter which doesn’t really need attention or controversies. Like PDA, if young couples are showing love to each other in public then that counts them in a bad light. We know that affection should be affected and not porn but nowadays everyone is responsible enough to care about the right and differentiate the wrong!
Now take all the fuss around how a girl chooses to dress. Dear Policemen, let us be very clear that if we choose to dress short it’s not because we want a guy to see our assets or the way you call them, “private parts,” but because all these clothes are trending, makes us look pretty and feel confident and also because we work hard enough to earn these clothes. This is our right our choice. If your men are so desperate then that’s not our fault. A gentleman knows the way to a girl’s heart without actually touching her body. If a man pee’s in open should we all chop that off his body? We hope that God provides you some sense!