Women Proudly Posting Naked Yoga Photos, Shuts Down Trolls With Her Message

Kirsty Tavolacci shares photos of her doing elaborate yoga postures while naked on Instagram, where she has more than 30,000 followers. The 21-year-old woman believes everyone should know they are beautiful in their “natural state”.

“I was prompted to post naked yoga photos because it was freeing, liberating, and truly a form of art that not many people had seen before. The purpose of the photos is to let everyone know that they are beautiful and to let everyone know that in their most natural state, confidence and self-love is everything,” she told Charlotte Five.

While some appreciated her initiative and thought, there were many negative comments by haters too and she replied applaudingly to them. “Why are people so mad at girls who are okay with themselves? Do you know how many problematic things they have had to unlearn?” she captioned one of her nude pictures.

“How much self-destructive stuff they have had to erase from their memory? Don’t patronize someone for feeling confident because you don’t know the process that went into building their self-esteem.”

She responds to all the rude comments but deletes the nasty ones and blocks the person who sends those.

She says that she is not encouraging people to “sexualize” Body with her posts but encourage them to be “naked, natural and truly themselves”.

“As a society, we should be telling others they are beautiful and empowering them, not doing the opposite,” she says.

Categories: Lifestyle
Shreya Agarwal: A reader, a dreamer and a believer...