Vampires Do Exist, And Here is a Proof!


YES real-life Vampires do exist, they walk among us, and they feed on blood. John Edgar Browning have spent five years conducting ethnographic studies of the ‘real vampires’ living in USA. These real-life vampires drink the blood of humans or animals, but they don’t turn into bats and live forever like it is shown in the movies. These people actually have a medical condition that requires them to drink human or animal blood (sanguinarian), absorb psychic energy, or both (hybrid), to feel healthy. Their symptoms start becoming evident around puberty.

John Edgar Browning met around 35 real vampires in USA. They were difficult to find, but when he tracked them down, they were quite friendly to him. According to them, their symptoms derive from lack of subtle energies their bodies produce, and if they don’t feed on blood or energy, they start to feel weak and experience an overall diminished health. They told John that they do not do this out of choice; They do it because it is a situation they cannot change. These real-life vampires live a normal life, and they perform the blood-drinking ritual safely. They take blood of only willing donors, and also regularly participate in medical exams that scarcely(if ever) indicate complications from their feeding practices.

The taste of blood, as described by John’s study participants, is metallic, or coppery; But it can also be influenced by the donor’s physiology, or even how well he or she is hydrated. There are some vampires that doesn’t drink blood, but practice “psychic” feeding, i.e, taking energy using touch, or even sight. For example- a simple handshake or hug, or maybe a kiss. Some vampires feed by sight which is the safest and most recommended for the donor.
These vampires have spouses, children, friends and jobs. They live a normal life among normal people, but they don’t go around telling people who they really are for fear of discrimination by them. They are quite different from how their kind is depicted in books and movies. These vampires don’t show any signs of vampirism, except a few who have taken to wearing Gothic attire and fake fangs. And even these vampires who dress up in a certain way or wear fangs started doing so long after realizing their desire to drink blood, maybe after getting influenced by the mainstream image of their kind.

Well, this definitely shows that the real vampires do exist in both normal society and their own communities, and that’s okay- they aren’t really harming anybody.

Categories: Lifestyle
Vertika Khullar: Social Media Enthusiast. Free Spirit. Chicken Junkie. True Sagittarius.