Some Powerful Visuals That Will Simply Make Your Day!

Some Powerful Visuals That Will Simply Make Your Day!

Powerful, mesmerizing,factual and interesting pictures taken in various corners of the world. Look at these pictures and realize that there is so much more to the world than we could ever imagine.

1. Thea Alba, known as The Woman With Ten Brains, could write with both hands, both feet,and her mouth at the same time, spelling different things. She became famous in the 1920s.

thea albathea alba

2. What A Moment


3. Mahatma Gandhi, the attorney. It’s strange to see him like this


4. Rafflesia Arnoldii (aka corpse flower) is the largest flower on earth. The strangest part is, it smells like rotting flesh

5. Aurora in Iceland *lovestruck*

6. Interesting! Right?

7.Earth From Mars


8. Monk And Tiger Share A Meal

9. 100,000 monks in prayer for a better world

10. Eyes That Witnessed Hiroshima Blast

Categories: Lifestyle
Sukhmani Nayer: A girl who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.