Pratyusha Banerjee was Forced into Prostitution by Boyfriend Rahul Raj?

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The sad demise of Pratyusha Banerjee on April 1 by hanging herself from the ceiling fan in her Oshiwara apartment, came to all of us a shock. What was more shocking was the fact that such a happy girl committed suicide. Her family and friends blamed her boyfriend, Rahul Raj, as the reason behind Pratyusha’s suicide. Rahul denied all that was being said about him.


The case is under investigation. According to reports by Mumbai Mirror, they have accessed a copy of the transcript of the telephone call, which is the last time she spoke to anyone, says Neeraj Gupta, the advocate for her parents, Soma and Shankar Banerjee.

According to that Pratyusha said, “”B******d man.. I f**k so hard.. In my life i f**k so hard… for everything… I had not come here to sell myself… I had come here to act… to work. And where are you putting me today.. Rahul, you have no idea how bad I am feeling right now.

She added, “You are selfish… you are spoiling my name. People are talking about me… my mom and dad are termed ghatiya. Rahul, it’s over. I am over. Mar gayi mein (I am dead)“.

Later in the conversation, Rahul asked her not to “do anything”. He told her he will be home in half an hour, to which Pratyusha said, “Everything will be over in half an hour.


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