With our increasing aversion and resistance to anything big and fat, it’s natural to think that we hate fat. But this talk argues that we don’t. In fact, we are indulging in it all the time. How is that true? Dr. Kanika K. Ahuja is a Professor of Psychology at Lady Shri Ram College for Women, University of Delhi says it all. In order to fit in the idea of conventional beauty, we starve ourselves and put our bodies into unnecessary hardships and still fail to satisfy the hunger of a perfect body, which, in reality, doesn’t really exist. The faces that we see on television and magazines are nothing but the ultimate result of plenty of people putting their heart and soul to produce one single shot or an image! Now, does that make any sense? No doubt these men and women look extremely good on screen but at the end of the day, we all are human beings. We all are made up of skin and bone. But, we all have to agree that while age is just a number but it also comes with a condition of a healthy lifestyle and that is all that matters.