Just One Day Left To Save The Internet! Buck Up Guys!

Net Neutrality is the Internet’s guiding principle. It preserves our right to communicate freely online. This is the definition of an open Internet. If there is no net neutrality, ISPs will have the power to shape internet traffic so that they can derive extra benefit from it. Without net neutrality, the internet as we know it will not exist. There will no more be free access to the websites. There could be “package plans” for consumers; For example, if you pay Rs. 500, you will only be allowed to access websites based in India, and to access international websites, you may have to take a different package by paying more for it. Therefore, it is important to save net neutrality, because if we lose it, we lose internet.

Watch this video by AIB to know more about net neutrality and how can you save the internet. Here’s the link:

Register at www.mygov.in, and leave your comments. You only have one day left to submit your comments to the government and save the Internet. Share the video, submit your comments, and show your support for net neutrality.

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Vertika Khullar: Social Media Enthusiast. Free Spirit. Chicken Junkie. True Sagittarius.