Internet Mistakes You Need To Stop Making!

Although internet is a very useful tool that can make people’s lives in modern society much more convenient, it also has negative effects. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to use your web access in a smart way and avoid procrastinating. Here we list the top 4 internet mistakes that you need to stop making now!

1. Using Internet for too long

Spending too much time online have adverse effects on your health. In fact, using too much Internet is related to having depressing tendencies, studies show. Also, it promotes the loss of human touch. So take a break from the internet chatting, and go meet your friends for real.

2. Making private information public

Ever heard of cyber crime? Publicizing your private life increases your chances to become a victim of cyber crime. Avoid over-sharing of information.

3. Using the same password for everything

It is convenient, but not safe. Try to not keep the password of all your accounts same. Make sure your passwords are strong enough, and write them in your ‘personal’ diary so you do not forget or get confused between them. Also, keep updating the passwords regularly.

4. Posting inappropriate things on social media

Think twice before posting any inappropriate thing on your profile. These inapt things can not only affect your reputation, but can also ruin your chances of getting a dream job. And in worst cases, they can even get you fired.

Categories: Lifestyle
Vertika Khullar: Social Media Enthusiast. Free Spirit. Chicken Junkie. True Sagittarius.