Image Consultant Zohra Chitalwala Teaches us How to be The Perfect Host and a Polite Guest

Image Consultant Zohra Chitalwala Teaches us How to be The Perfect Host and a Polite Guest

Entertaining and hosting guests is no rocket science and nor does it require any educational qualifications. However well your gathering or party is planned, it is very important to keep certain pointers in mind as a host and guest. While life has become very casual these days, don’t let it come in the way of being a good host or guest. 

Image Consultant Zohra Chitalwala,  Founder and Director of Image2Image Zo’s Consultants suggests basic pointers a guest and host should keep in mind. These go a long way in creating a good impression.

​If you are a Host:

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​1) ​Smile: There is nothing worse than welcoming people without a smiling face. The moment a guests walks into your house the smile on your face creates a good vibe immediately making them comfortable and warm. Hence, ALWAYS greet your guest with a smile.

2) Introduction: In order to make the environment comfortable to everyone, introduce your guest yo your family members if the guest is being invited for the first time. Once introduced you can leave it to them to talk further and break the ice.

3) Attend: You have invited guests for pleasure. Attending to personal chores or other tasks at the same time should be avoided. If urgent, please excuse yourself and apologies on your return for keeping them waiting. Never leave a guest unattended.

4) Don’t talk on the phone: Talking on the phone to someone else for long while entertaining a guest is a strict NO NO. One can always answer the phone and say that they will return the call later. Your guests will feel respected.

5) Serve: Whether you are having a drink, appetizers or at a sit down table, always serve your guests first. Once you have served them you can immediately serve yourself. The elders are usually served first. Also ensure your hands are clean if serving bite food with your hand.

6) Don’t leave: Nothing makes a guest get up from a dinning table sooner than knowing that the host is left the table. As a host if you have finished eating, continue sitting on the table till the guest is done. Only then get up.

​If you are a Guest:

1) Greet: If your host welcomes you with a smile, it is equally important to reciprocate with a smile. Greet everyone person in the room. Even if you don’t know them or haven’t been introduced a smile is also fine. Acknowledge friends, family and parents when you meet them.

2) Avoid criticism: Strictly avoid criticism. Whether its criticizing other people’s home, food, family member, etc never crib or talk bad. Criticizing always speaks more of you than those spoken about.

3) Gift: Its always basic manners to take a small gift if invited to a party. It could something as simple as a box of sweets, flowers or more, but avoid going empty handed. Additionally,  if you don’t regularly visit someone’s house and are being invited for the first time, always take a small gift along.

4) Pick up the dishes: Always pick us your used dish and glass after a meal and offer to leave it in the kitchen. Don’t leave it to your host to pick us your used plates.

5) Exploration: Nothing will put off a host more than the guest going through their refrigerator closet, drawers or cupboards. If you wish to look at something in particular always ask your host and wait for them to show it to you.

6) Telephone: Never answer the telephone at anyone’s house. Especially without their permission. Let the phone continue ringing and if requested by the host only then answer the phone. Similarly, should you wish to use the host’s phone always politely ask for permission or inform before doing so.

7) Wait for food: Always wait for the food to be offered and served. The host always plans an evening and has decided the course of the gathering. Always wait for them to serve.

Categories: Lifestyle
Chaineet Kaur: A bookworm with a philosophical bent of mind.