Ileana Gives Real #BrideGoals to All Girls Who Want an Edge in Their Wedding Shoot

The wedding is one special occasion for which we plan for months. Some of us have an idea of a dream wedding in mind from years. There are Pinterest boards prepared, special Instagram accounts that you follow and a lot of research is done before finalizing anything.

The moment you see some great idea that you can incorporate you simply bookmark it for future reference and Ileana D’Cruz’s photoshoot is one such thing if you don’t want to do the same old poses for the wedding photos. The photographs have an edge to them. They bring out who you are even when you are dressed in your wedding attire.

1. Don’t miss out on the boots

2. The #SWAG look!

3. Why should only groom come with a baarat?


5. And these huge Kalire!

Categories: Lifestyle
Srishti Gosain: It all starts with a Smile.