Men pretend that it isn’t a big deal for women to give birth. They think that women only exaggerate the pain and it is quite normal to give birth.
To prove that women make a big deal out of the thing, two guys took up the task to prove it. They tried labor pain simulators to experience the same pain that women go through during labour and their reactions were epic.
“It feels like someone is taking a saw and just carving up my abdomen,”
One of them said while experiencing the pain of early labor.
When the actual labour started, those guys were writhing in uncontrollable pain and their wives who were there for support like a husband does, could not stop laughing on seeing their husbands’ situation. The guys felt like they were about to throw up.
One of them said,
“That was horrible. Mom, if anything that I just experienced is anywhere close to what I did to you all those years ago, i’m sorry, you’re like a superhero. You’re one tough momma.”
Watch the full video here: