Facts About Condoms

Safe sex is a very important issue and every girl has a right to understand how to protect herself against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. And girls trust me, it is no shame to use condoms, as prevention is always better than cure. So do you carry one in your handbag?

1. Better safe than sorry

No matter what people say to you, wearing condoms the only safe way to have sex without getting any sexually transmitted diseases or getting pregnant. Figures prove that condoms provide you with 10,000 times more protection than you would have if engaging in unprotected sex.

2. Allergy to latex? Not anymore!

If your partner gives you the excuse of having allergy to latex for not wearing a condom, then you would love to inform him about ranges of condoms that are now completely latex free, being made of polyisoprene and polyurethane instead, which have no harmful effects on your bodies.

3. No fun in wearing condoms?

If your partner complaints about the loss of sensation while wearing condoms, that can be solved too now. There are different types of condoms available on the market, from ribbed to super sleek, so satisfy all you sexual pleasures now! This ain’t any reason to have unprotected sex now!

4. Educate yourself and others about this

It is very sad that even in today’s world sexual education is not given the way it should be given to teenagers. Girls and boys should know how to put a condom on their partner. Make it part of your sex routine, make it sensual and break that wall of embarrassment.

5. Condoms have been in existence since ages

For people who think this is a new and modern innovation, evidences have actually shown their use, as far back as twelve to fifteen thousand years ago!

6. They keep your vagina healthy

Apart from saving you from sexually transmitted diseases, condoms also help regulate your vagina’s pH levels.

7. Wearing two condoms at the same time? Never ever!!

Double bagging meaning using two condoms at the same time is one of the worst things you can do to put yourself at risk of an unsuccessful and unsafe sexual experience. Having 2 condoms on will only increase the chance of them both breaking out, and not to forget that the condom on the top will be much less secure and there will be a chance that it will move and dislodge during intercourse.

Categories: Lifestyle
Sukhmani Nayer: A girl who travels on nothing from nowhere to happiness.